The Ongoing Journey - defoxCern

Her Past
The Capture
The House of Cernus
Labor of Love
Gorean Links
The New Collar
The fox Behind the Screen
A slave
To Contact Me
O.K, ... It's Not Gor, But It's Fun
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The Capture


And one day, freedom ended. Having been watched from afar for a long time, a Betrayal, a terrifying Final Scuffle; and suddenly, told I was no longer Jadefox, no longer anything, merely slave.

Bound and tied at Laurius Exchange Point, waiting for the Slavers. Still so close to the forest and freedom ... and yet so far.


Transported to the city


Roughly dragged from the Northern Forest, the only home I'd ever known, I went from never seeing more than twenty people in one place, thrust into a topsy-turvy frightening world, one in which more than a hundred, more than even a thousand lived. Having despised the softness of the slaves found in the forest, now finding myself  called "slave" in the pens, they tried to whip me into submission. I held my head high and proud, considering myself merely temporarily imprisoned and inconvenienced, this was all a mistake, as soon as I could find someone to explain.  Always watching, waiting, with a Huntress' patience, for the right time and opportunity to escape.

"Are panther girls truly so strong?" she asked.
"Not really," I said. "Once captured and conquered, collared and silked, their thigh burned by the iron, thrown to a man’s feet. they are as quick to kiss and lick as any woman. Indeed, they make superb slaves. They bring high prices in the markets. They are only girls desperate to fight their femininity. When they are no longer permitted to do this they have no choice but to become marvelous women and slaves. A conquered panther girl is one of the most abject and delicious, and joyful, of slaves."

(Beasts of Gor)


And then, one day, out of the blue, there he was, the Male with honor and integrity I'd loved in the forest. Now his title, "Slaver of Ar" was more intimidating on the other side of the trading table. My heart pounding, suddenly, it was important to be enticing, beautiful, memorable, for the infamous Cernus of Ar reportedly viewed and dealt with thousands of slaves, deciding their fate every day ... by the PK's, would He notice me? Remember me? Want me?
A calculating smile lit his austere features! Cold ice blue eyes warmed. In the Northern Forest, I had felt his equal, now I trembled as he looked me over, appraising property value. But if for now I had to be slave, I wanted to belong to him, be with him once more!
That night I was taken from the Home on a leash and simple collar, stuffed in a tarn basket for a hair-raising ride to Ar, the biggest city on Gor, and was gifted the name, defox. A new journey began, discovering and learning a new type of freedom, a different type of strength and pride; i'm still learning what it means to be slave. But this i do know, the strongest chains are not of steel, but love.



"...her wrists bound by wrapped and taut leather to heavy rings set in the sloping sides, there hung a girl, her full weight on her wrists. Each were panther girls, captured. Their heads were down, their blond hair falling forward."
"It was an exchange point. It is thus that outlaws, to passing ships, display their wares. We were fifty pasangs north of Lydius, which port lies at the mouth of the Laurius River. Far above the beach we could see the green margins of the great northern forests. They were very beautiful."  -Hunters of Gor pg. 18

Learning to harness raw, natural sexuality, forced to be pleasing in order to buy another day, perhaps the day to escape; I learned to crawl for them like a she-sleen, taking their fluffy silky dances and spicing them up with hot blooded primal passion, learning to beg to serve and find my way through complex kitchens stocked with strange foods and liquids, what was expected in huge compound-like Homes; always alertly watching for a chance to take back freedom.
