The Ongoing Journey - defoxCern

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A slave
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A slave

 "'The collar,' I said, touching it, 'is put on from without, but what it encircles, the slave, comes from within.' 'Slavery,' I told her, 'true slavery, comes from within.'"
Savages of Gor, p. 210


To be kajira...

It means to know you are subject to whims, moods, rules that change.

It means that although you may be given an explanation or a reason... you deserve none.

It means that although you may not know why you are being punished, you know it is right by the simple fact He/She chooses to do it.

It means that you understand you have not even the right to speak or move unless One grants it, and that One may choose not to simply because it is what pleases Him/Her.

It means... that even when you have been told one thing is law... you may be punished for doing it because Another prefers a different way.
It means that though you may be asked for your opinion, you understand it may or may not be taken into account, whether this pertains to your sale, your task assignment, your name or even your life.

It means that each time... no matter how deeply you feel you had done no wrong... you will be grateful for the lesson and accept its consequences.

It means the you will NEVER utter the words "but a girl was told..." to try to justify or explain your actions.. Because you understand that the FREE are never wrong unless They say so Themselves.

It means that when Two give you commands that are opposite on ways to do things, you will bite your tongue and let Them discuss and argue until They have decided between Themselves what is the way it will be.
It means that if They do not agree, you will remember each's preference and eagerly comply.

It means that you be grateful for any praise received but will expect none.

It means that you will never think your whining and complaints are of any importance to anyone and refrain from distributing them around.

It means the words "I am pleased" will become the light in your life and the reason for your every breath.

Above all, it means that all of those things will be more than words recited... than lines learned... that they will become your beliefs and your core.
If a girl can easily "play along", she will never truly be slave unless this lays deep in her belly, unless it is what she knows to be true about who she is and who she isn't.


"There are various types of "exotics" bred by Gorean slavers, all of whom are to be distinguished from more normal varieties of bred slaves, such as a Passion Slaves and Draft Slaves. Exotics may be bred for almost any purpose, and some of these purposes, unfortunately, seem to be little more than to produce quaint or unusual specimens. Ho-Hak may well have been one so bred.

"You are an exotic," I said to him.

Ho-Hak's ears leaned forward toward me, but he did not seem angry. He had brown hair, and brown eyes; the hair, long, was tied behind his head with a string of rence cloth. He wore a sleeveless tunic of rence cloth, like most of the rence growers. "Yes," said Ho-Hak. "I was bred for a collector."  Raiders of Gor, 3:14-15


"...She was fairly complected but had extremely dark hair and dark eyes, very red lips; the movement of her exquisite body was a torment to observe; she looked at me with a slight smile, regarding the black of the tunic, the mark of the dagger; her lips were full and magnificently turned, probably a characteristic bred into her; I had no doubt this black-haired, cruelly beautiful woman was a bred Passion Slave. She was one of the most rawly sensuous creatures on which I had ever looked."  ---Assassin of Gor, 12:150


"Most Gorean slave girls are comely, or beautiful. This is easy to understand. It is almost always the better looking women who are taken for slaves, and, of course, in breeding slaves, it is commonly only the most beautful of female slaves who are used, these usually being crossed, hooded, with handsome male silk slaves, also hooded. The female offspring of these matings needless to say, are often exquisite.....

...Some female slaves, incidentally, have a pedigreed lineage going back through several generations of slave matings, and their masters hold the papers to prove this. It is a felony in Gorean law to forge or falsify such papers....

In the case of the bred female slave, of course, she has been legally and literally, in anyone's understanding, bred to the collar, and in a full commercial and economic sense, as a business speculation on the part of masters. The features most often selected for by the breeders are beauty and passion opposed to the pseudomasculine type of intelligence often found in women with large amounts of male hormones, is commonly linked, apparently genetically, with these two hitherto mentioned properties...."
---Savages of Gor, 2:68-70


"The training of the slave girls progressed. It had begun, following the period entirely consumed with exercises, with such small things as instruction on how to stand, to walk, to kneel, to recline, to eat, to drink. Grace and beauty, following Sura, and I would scarcely dare dispute such an authority, is mostly a matter of expression, both that of the face and body. I could, week to week, see the change in the girls, even Elizabeth. Some of the things they were taught seemed to me very silly, but I, at the same time, found it difficult to object.

One thing of that sort I recall is a trick where the girl feeds the master a grape held between her teeth. She may or may not have her wrists braceleted behind her back for this particular feat. One leg is folded beneath her and the other is extended behind her, toes pointed, and then she lifts the grape delicately to your mouth. Elizabeth and I used to laugh heartily over this one, but I think it was effective, as I seldom got beyond the third grape.

"Observe," once had said Elizabeth to me, to my amusement, in the secrecy of our compartment, "the twelfth way to enter a room."

I had observed. It was not bad. But I think I preferred the tenth, that with the girl''s back against the side of the door, the palms of her hands on the jamb, her head up, lips slightly parted, eyes to the right, smoldering at just the right temperature.

"How many ways are there," I asked, sitting cross-legged in the center of the compartment, on the stone couch, "to enter a room?"

"It depends on the city," said Elizabeth. "In Ar we are the best; we have the most ways to enter a room. One hundred and four."

I whistled.

"What about," I asked, "just walking straight through?"

She looked at me. "Ah," said she, "one hundred and five!"

A good deal of the training of the slave girl, surprisingly, to my naive mind, was in relatively domestic matters. For example, the Pleasure Slave, if she is trained by a good house, must also be the master of those duties commonly assigned to Tower Slaves. Accordingly, they must know how to cut and sew cloth, to wash garments and clean various types of materials and surfaces, and to cook an extensive variety of foods, from the rough fare of Warriors to concoctions which are exotic almost to the point of being inedible. Elizabeth would regularly bring her efforts back to the compartment, and the nights were not infrequent when I longed for the simple fare at the table of Cernus, or perhaps a bowl of Ho-Tu's gruel. One dish I recall was composed of the tongues of eels and was sprinkled with flavored aphrodisiacs, the latter however being wasted on me as I spent, to Elizabeth's consternation, the night lying on my side in great pain. Elizabeth was, however, to my satisfaction, taught a large number of things which, to my mind, were more appropriate to the training of slave girls, including a large number of dances, dozens of songs, and an unbelievable variety of kisses and caresses. The sheer mechanics of her repertoire, theoretically outfitting her to give exquisite pleasure to anyone from an Ubar to a peasant, are much too complex and lengthy to recount here.... "
Assassin of Gor, 15:203-205